Wooten, Virginia E. (Ethleen) Murphy

03/28/1840 - 03/26/1875
Gravesite ID by Carolyn Floyd Mitchell. Married to William Lafayette Wooten, Sr. Mother of William Lafayette, Jr. Her father, William Spencer Murphy built the now Rubye Carter home in Waukeenah.
There is something very wrong here- In another posting on Mr. Council Wooten, the son of Lafayette Wooten, and it says Virginia Wooten – this was not so, as Council was born three years after Virginia Wooten died…Lafayette’s second wife was Mary Russell Wooten, the sister of my great grandmother (Jessie Russell Ames) and i am sure of this fact, and Council is the son of Lafayette and his second wife, Mary Russell Wooten and NOT THE SON OF VIRGINIA MURPHY WOOTEN, his first wife, who is buried next to Lafayette in the Waukeenah Cemetery. I am Theresa Brown, great great niece of Mary Russell Wooten. Council’s wife we called Cousin Janie and i met her as a small child, as i remember. Also i knew the now deceased Carolyn Floyd Mitchell mentioned above. And my mother (the former Ames Watkins) knew Rubye Carter. Yesterday i visited the Lafayette Wooten grave in Waukeenah, but I am not sure where Mary Russell Wooten is buried. I would love to know that if anyone reading this knows. My grandmother, Eva Ames Watkins, was born at Aunt Mary’s and Uncle Lafayette’s (called by her Uncle Fate’s) home on the Indian river in 1893.
Mary Russell Wooten is my gg grandmother. She is buried in Greenwood Memorial Cemetery, Florala, Alabama. Her daughter, Blanche and family are also buried there. Blanche is the sister of Jessie Wooten (my g grandmother) and Mary and Lafayette’s youngest child.
Thank you for the information. We are always interested in family history. If you are near Waukeenah, visit our cemetery. Take care and God Bless you.
In reply to Theresa Brown.
Mary Russell Wooten is my gg grandmother. She is buried in Greenwood Memorial Cemetery, Florala, Alabama. Her daughter, Blanche and family are also buried there. Blanche is the sister of Jessie Wooten (my g grandmother) and Mary and Lafayette’s youngest child.
Lori Bishop
loricayclark@gmail.com In reply to Theresa Brown.
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